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A Night at the Museuem

On Friday, March 21, 8th grade Civics students will hold their annual "Night at the Museum" at the Heinz History Center from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.

Over the next two months, students in 8th grade Civics will collaborate with the Heinz History Center to create projects that focus on the thematic idea of Overcoming Adversity. Their projects connect with multiple exhibits at the museum: From Slavery to Freedom, Western Pennsylvania Sports, Innovators, and Special Collections. Students considered historical struggles for Civil Rights and historical instances of prejudice and discrimination and then linked those to contemporary people, events, and organizations.

Read More about Save the Date for A Night at the Museum!
Meeting Notice

Avonworth’s strategic plan outlines the areas of focus, strategies, and actions that will ensure that our students gain the learning experiences that will enable them to continue to grow academically, socially, and emotionally so that they become innovative thinkers and creative contributors to our world.

Read More about Strategic Planning Process
Avonworth Update

The Avonworth School District aims to provide an education that is customized to meet the needs of each learner. Part of this process includes creating a comprehensive assessment system to determine if we are accomplishing this goal. Most of the assessments occur in grades K-8 in order to ensure students are developing skills at the right pace in order to be ready for high school and life beyond high school.

Read More about Avonworth School District Assessments
Avonworth Update

Safety will always be a top priority for the Avonworth School District. Each summer, we examine our emergency operations plan for the coming year. The district has trained threat assessment teams and a strong working relationship with Ohio Township police and emergency responders. In addition, we practice and refine emergency procedures throughout the year. We share this message to proactively allow families to discuss school safety before the school year.

Read More about ASD School Safety Update
Avonworth Update

We hope you’ve had the chance to log into Alma to update your contact information. Parent/caregiver contact information must be up-to-date in Alma to ensure you receive emergency communications from the school district through our rapid response system, School Messenger. As in the past, the district will send email and phone messages for emergency notifications, including weather-related delays/ cancellations and late bus updates, using School Messenger. We will also be adding the ability to receive an SMS (text) message. More information will be sent once this feature is available.

Read More about ASD Rapid Alert Test Notification